Web site: http://grihl.ehess.fr/ |
GRIHL (Groupe de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur l'Histoire Littéraire) is a group of researchers working on the history of literary practices, mainly in early modern Europe. As such, it gathers researchers mainly from EHESS, CNRS or the University of Paris III whose prime specialization is history, literature, sociology or philosophy.
Within the framework of ENBaCH, GRIHL is carrying out several projects:
- The XML-TEI edition of La Vie de Michel de Marillac par Nicolas Lefevre de Lezeau
We aim at editing the three oldest versions of this text. The first one is preserved in the Archives Nationales, serial number 1AP 592; the second one is in the Sainte Geneviève Library in Paris, serial number Ms 2005-2006; and the third one is in the French National Library, serial number na 82-83. These three manuscript editions were established between 1643 and 1664. They are full of erasures and deletions. Using the XML-TEI language enables us to consider, display and analyse this text within a dynamic writing/re-writing process. It also make possible to generate indexes and filters through which the internauts will be able to visualise precisely and separately several aspects of the text which appeared of the utmost importance for our analysis.
- The XML-TEI edition of Les Papiers de Guy Patin, Vienne, codex 7071 (Hohendorf 133).
I.e., the edition of the hitherto unpublished manuscript copy of lost originals written by Guy Patin (1601-1672), kept in the National Library of Vienna, Austria. Resorting to XML-TEI language allows us to show up and put into motion the complex structure of indexes making of this manuscript both a collection of notes taken during living talks and a work with an encyclopaedic dimension.
- The edition of L'Apologie pour Machiavel by Louis Machon (the 1643 and 1665 versions). This philological edition will be published in Les Dossiers du Grihl, the digital Journal of GRIHL.
- A bibliographical data basis, using EndNote, gathering all the references mentioned by Sorel in his Bibliothèque Françoise with a link to the digital version of the book each time it exists. In this work written in 1667, Charles Sorel, a polygraph, man of Letters, historian and novelist, decided to draw the list of all the relevant books that a scholar or man of Letters should know or have read in the French 17th century.
This database will be very soon integrated into the more general databasis on the ENBaCH Website.
- The digital new edition on the portal of Revues.org, of Baroque-revue internationale. Baroque-Revue internationale is a Journal that played a crucial part in the renewal of the debate on the notion of « Baroque » in France. From 1965 to 1987, the Cocagne editions in Montauban, directed by Felix-Marcel Castan, published twelve issues displaying more than 150 articles written by eminent specialists of Baroque (as, for example, Pierre Charpentras or Victor-Louis Tapié) on "baroque" art, musique, literature or history.
- A collection of articles and bibliographies relevant to the notion of baroque. Some of these papers were published before the GRIHL implication in ENBaCH, others are and will be written within this specific framework. They all are available through the same unified RSS flow: http://dossiersgrihl.revues.org/4603.
In addition, and for all the participants of the ENBaCH project, the Paris team has developed a research notebook: http://enbach.hypotheses.org/. Every member of the project as well as any researcher interested in Baroque is invited to post any relevant information. The aim of this Wordpress blog is to favour the dissemination of ENBaCH and its extension beyond its present frontiers.