Web site: https://www.meduniwien.ac.at/ |
Since 2004 the Medical University of Vienna is the successor institution of the former Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna which was founded in 1365. Due to this long history of the Medical Faculty, the Medical University of Vienna, today hosts a rich and extensive cultural heritage. Thus the century long efforts involved in medical knowledge are documented, but also the ties of medicine to the framing social conditions and the resultant often problematic effects. The Medical University of Vienna understands this as one of its obligations towards society.
The Josephinum
The building designed by Isidor Canevale for the "Medical-Surgical Joseph's Academy" very soon became known as the Josephinum. Today it houses the adminstration and a large part of the Medical University of Vienna, the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna as well as the Kurt Gödel Research Centre. "The Josephinum" is a meeting place and to a certain extent, the historical gate to the Medical University of Vienna.