Anatomical waxes in Vienna and Florence
A gallery of images of anatomical waxes from the Josephinum in Vienna, the Opificio delle pietre dure in Florence and the Museo di Storia naturale in Florence
The correspondence of cardinal Ferdinando de Medici
Families in the Roman Ghetto
The families in the Roman Ghetty from a census of 1733
Last wills
A small collection of Baroque last wills from the Archivio di Stato di Roma. For most of them the post-mortem inventory is also available (see the Roman Interiors page)
Livio Odescalchi
A small collection of documents concerning Livio Odescalchi, nephew of Innocent XI, duke of Bracciano and Ceri and prince of Sirmio (1652-1713)
Polish visual poetry
A bibliography and a gallery of images of visual poems in Poland
Political pamphlets
A small collection of political reports and pamphlets on - or against - the Papal court