A small collection of political reports and pamphlets on - or against - the Papal court
Cleric from a Catholic Nation and Italian Cleric, 1676-1677
Conversation between Mohammed and Colbert (post. 1683)
Discorso circa la soppressione del Collegio dei Segretariati Apostolici fatta dalla Santità di Nostro Signore Papa Innocenzo XI
Instruction to Abbot Orsini
Instruction to Cardinal Montalto
Invettiva contro i maldicenti
Journal of the Military Expedition from Santa Maura to Preusa, 1-11 September 1684
Letter of an Heretic on the election of Cardinal Odescalchi or of Cardinal Grimaldi
Memorandum to Cardinal Borghese
News from Vienna on the War against the Turcs, on the Coronation of the King of Hungary and on the Rise to the Throne of Soliman II, 30 November-22 December 1687
Proposal to create a special Congregazione for helping the population of the Papal states and expecially of the district of Rome, May 1678
Rapporti di Monsignor Mellini nunzio in Spagna, 1675-1681
Satirical pamphlet on the cardinals' factions, 14 August 1676
Siege of Modone, 3 August 1685
Warnings to Cardinal Ludovisi